----------------------------- QuickPad v 1.0 for Windows 95 by Matthew Borowski ----------------------------- WHAT IS QUICKPAD?: QuickPad is an easy to use, 32- bit, non-scroll bar, word wrapping note-taking utility. You can use it in place of pen and paper when jotting down URLs, File Paths, etc. WHAT HAS BEEN ADDED SINCE VERSION 1.0? A nice new icon has been added and the window sizing has been improved. HOW DO I RUN IT?: To run QuickPad, you must have VB40032.DLL in your system directory. You can get this at Microsoft's web site (www.microsoft.com). HOW CAN I CUT AND PASTE?: The Cut And Paste commands are just like those in Note Pad (Ctrl=V for Paste, Ctrl-X for Cut, and Ctrl-C for Copy). You can not open or save any files with QuickPad. HOW CAN I CONTACT YOU?: E-Mail me at DaBombMail@juno.com. Be sure to check out my web site feauturing QuickPad's home page/downloading facility at: http://mkb.home.ml.org/software/ -----------------------------------